
  • Imaging analysis workshop

2024 March,12th-14th - SIKT  Seminar room
Dr. Michael Mahlert presented in a two days hands on workshop essential features of Imaris 10.1, which is already part of the BCF software equipment.

Presentation Andor Spinning Disk BC43f- hands on session

  • Advanced Imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2022, July, 11th - 14th, 10:00 – 16:00, SIKT Seminar room
Lectures by Dr. Svenja Kunerth, Dr. Martin Fritsch, and Dr. Franco Klingenberg from Leica
Presentation Stellaris, FALCON, AI and Mica. Hands-on sessions Stellaris and Mica.


  • Modern Bioimaging Technology – microscale view into biological systems
2019, June, 13th  09:30 – 6 pm, BBZ Seminar room
Lectures by PD Dr. Kacza und Prof. Dr. Magin and others
Practical lessons 6-10 pm at the microscopes:
Leica SP8 by PD Dr. Kacza (BCF), BCF, AG Daugschies device
LSM780 und Spinning Disk by Mr. Lutter and Mr. Steinbach (Zeiss), BCF, AG Magin devices


  • Camera course about the newest CMOS technology and EMCCD
2018, December 17th– 18th, BCF, SIKT Seminar room, Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55
Seminars about noise and signal to noise, EMCCD sensors, CMOS sensors, CMOS technology
Hands-on-session at Apotom.2 with Prime BSI, Prime 95B, IRIS9, Evolve Delta und Retiga R6
by Dr. Pasche (Photometrics)


  • Course Live Cell Imaging
2017, March, 07th – 09th, BCF, An den Tierkliniken
Seminars by Leica and Bitplane
Practical course LAS-X 3.1, imaging acquisition (Leica, Dr. Levai, Dr. Körtjen)
Practical course Imaris, imaging analysis (Bitplane, Dr. Mahlert)
Practical course, live-cell imaging at Leica SP8 by PD Dr. Kacza, BCF, AG Daugschies device


  • Course fluorescence microscopy for Ph.D. students
2016, November, 28th – 30th, BCF, SIKT Seminar room, Philipp-Rosenthal-Str. 55
Seminars about standard fluorescent, clsm, and high-resolution microscopy by Mr. Lutter, Mr. Simbürger (Zeiss), and PD Dr. Kacza (BCF)
Seminars about specimen fixation, dyes (Prof. Dr. Magin) and data analysis (PD Dr. Kacza)
Hands-on sessions at LSM780-Airyscan and Apotom.2 (PD Dr. Kacza & Behr)