
We charge time-dependent costs for the use of BCF devices. The costs (net prices per hour) are shown in a table (Costs). No other costs for maintenance, repairs or replacement are charged.

2.) Instruments not managed by the BCF


Spinning Disc Microscope (Confocal)

Zeiss Spinning Disc Cell Observer, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: Zeiss Cell Observer SD System, Spinning Disc- Yokohama CSU-X1 , inverted, FRAP module
  • 405, 458, 488, 514, 532 or 561, 633 nm
  • 4-port (RGB) laser beam
Scan: Spinning Disc, disc speed 1.500-5.000 U/min
  • 10x/0,3 EC Plan-Neofluar
  • 25x/0,8 LCI Plan-Neofluar Imm Korr DIC M27, Oil/W/Gly
  • 63x/1,2 C-Apochromat W
  • 63x/1,4 Plan-Apochromat Oil
Incubator: Incubator XL multi S1 Dark LS for Live Cell Imaging
NameExcitationBeam splitterEmissionExample DyeLightsource
49G 365FT 395BP 445/50DAPI, AMCAHXP
38HEBP470/40(HE)FT 495(HE)BP525/50Alexa488/FITC/GFPHXP
43HEBP550/25 (HE)FT 570 (HE)BP 605/70 (HE)Cy3, dsredHXP
Others: Confocal in vivo microscopy, FRAP, Z-stacks, time-series, mosaic scan

Laser Scanning Microscopes (Confocal)

Zeiss LSM780-Airyscan, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: LSM 780 inverted, Airyscan-Module (Super Resolution Microscopy) 34 channel Quasar Detector, FRAP module, mosaic scan and time series etc.
Stative: Axio Observer.Z1 inverted motorized (steps 10 nm), TFT-Touchscreen
  • 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 594, 633 nm
  • 4 Ports for RGB
Airyscan: 1,7 x improved resolution
Detector: GaAsP
  • 10x/0,45 Plan-Apochromat
  • 25x/0,8 Plan-Neofluar Oil/W/Gly
  • 40x/1,3 Plan-Apochromat Oil
  • 63x/1,4 C Plan-Apochromat Oil DIC M27
  • 63x/ 1,3 LCI Plan-Neofluar Oil/W/Gly M27
  • 100x/1,57 Oil-HI α Plan-Apochromat
Others: Super Resolution Microscopy (verified 110nm XY scan resolution by Zeiss service), Z-stacks, time-series, mosaic scan, FRAP

Leica TCS SP8, inverted, GenTSV-S2 Lab, VMF Campus / Vet.-Anat.-Inst.

Instrument: Leica TCS SP8 DMi8, inverted
Illumination: 405, 458, 476, 488, 496, 514, 561, 633 nm
Scan mode: 10, 100, 200, 400, 600, 700, 1000, 1400, 1800, 8000 Hz
Beamsplitter: Acusto-optic beam splitter (AOBS), detection range 400 bis 800 nm in 1 nm steps
  • Detektor: 2 PMT (Photomultiplier-Detector) , 2 HyD (Hybrid-Photodetector, GaAsp-Photokathode), detection of 4 channels in parallel
  • HyD-Detector - Photon Counting 300 Mcounts/sec
  • Separate detector for transmissionlight
  • 10x/0,40 Fluotar
  • 20x/0,75 Plan-Apochromat Oil W Gly
  • 40x/1,10 Plan-Apochromat W
  • 63x/1,20 Plan-Apochromat W
  • 63x/1,30 Plan-Apochromat Gly
  • two Stage-Top-incubation for Live Cell Imaging
  • zGalvo-Stage
  • programmable stage, Z-stacks, time series, mosiac scan, single- and multi-positioning in combination with mosaic scan, Single object tracking

Leica TCS SP8 Falcon, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG BioPhysicalChemistry, Johannisallee 21

Instrument: Leica TCS SP8 FALCON
  • 405, 488, 552, 638 nm
  • pulsed Laser 470nm (FLIM)
Scan mode: 10, 100, 200, 400, 600, 700, 1000, 1400, 1800, 8000 Hz
Beamsplitter: Acusto-optic beam splitter (AOBS) detection range 400 to 800 nm in 1 nm steps
  • detector unit with 1 PMT (Photomultiplier-detectors) and 2 HyD (Hybrid-detectors with GaAsP-Kathode) parallele detection of 3 channels
  • HyD-detector quantitative Photon Counting 300 Mcounts/sec (~ 600 counts/sec), with Time-Gated Detection, dead time only 1,5ns
  • Detector for transmission light
  • 10x/0,40 Fluotar
  • 20x/0,75 Plan-Apochromat Gly, W, Oil
  • 40x/1,10 Plan-Apochromat, W, motorized cover glass correction
  • 63x/1,20 Plan-Apochromat, W, motorized cover glass correction
  • 63x/1,30 Plan-Apochromat Gly
  • Integrated Options: FCS, FCCS, FLCS und FLIM detection
  • Extended Options for FRET and FRAP
  • 3D visualization tools
  • LIGHTNING-Option for higher resolution (Deconvolution) up to 120 nm
  • zGalvo-Stage for fast ZX-Scans
  • Stage-Top-Incubationssystem for Live Cell Imaging: petri dishes, Chamber slides, Multi-Well-plates
  • use of the device from 9 am - 4 pm

Abberior Live-Cell STED, Talstr. 33

Instrument: Abberior Live-Cell STED Infinity Line upright, fixed stage frame
  • 485, 561, 640 nm
  • pulsed STED laser 740nm
Detector: 3 filter based APD detectors
  • 10x/0,30
  • 60x/1,20 W Plan-Apochromat
  • 60x/1,42 Oil UPLXAPO STED
  • 100x/1,40 Oil Plan-Apochromat
  • fluorescence filters for DAPI, GFP and RFP
  • Easy 3D STED, Adaptive Optics package
  • Optogenetic module by Rapp Opto Electronics
  • Luigs&Neumann bridge stage plus holder

Zeiss LSM 700, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG BioPhysicalChemistry, Johannisallee 21

Instrument: Zeiss LSM 700, AxioObserver.Z1, inverted, motorized
Illumination: 405, 488, 555, 639 nm
  • Main Dichroic beam splitter (MBS), 20 % Transmission at 405 nm
  • 420 to 630 nm und longpass- (420, 490, 560, 640 nm) und bandpass filters (490, 555, 640 nm)
Resolution: maximal (2048 x 2048) Pxl
Scan speed: max. 5 frames/s @ (512x512) Pxl
Detector: 2x PMT for parallel detection of 2 channels
  • 10x Plan-Apochromat 0,45
  • 20x Plan-Apochromat 0,8
  • 25x LD LCI Plan-Apochromat 0,8 Oil, water, glycerin
  • 40x Plan-Apochromat 1,30 Oil
  • 40x C-Apochromat 1,20 water
  • 63x LCI-Plan Neofluar 1,3 water & glycerin
  • Incubation system for Live Cell Imaging with heat block for dishes or wells
  • use of the device from 9 am - 4 pm

LSM 800, upright, Gen TSV-S1 Lab, AG Neurogenetics, Talstr. 33

Instrument: Zeiss LSM800 upright
Illumination: Laser 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm
Detector: GaAsP
  • 10x
  • 16x Oil
  • 25x Oil
  • 63x Oil
Others: Incubation system for Live Cell Imaging

Widefield Structured Illumination

Zeiss Imager.Z2 ApoTome.2, upright, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: Zeiss Imager.Z2 ApoTome.2, Grid technology, deconvolution Axiocam 506 Color and AxioCamMrm, fully motorized stage, Definite Focus, Z-stacks, time series, mosaic scan
Illumination: Colibri: LED and HXP120
  • 5X/0,16 Plan-Apochromat
  • 10x/0,45 Plan-Apochromat
  • 25x/0,8 Plan-Apochromat Oil/W/Gly
  • 40x/1,3 Plan-Apochromat Oil
  • 63x/1,4 Plan-Apochromat Oil
  • 100x/1,46 α Plan-Apochromat Oil
NameExcitationBeam splitterEmissionExample DyeLightsource
43HEBP550/25 (HE)FT 570 (HE)BP 605/70 (HE)Cy3, dsredHXP
62HEBP 370/40 /HE)TFT 395+495+610TPB 425+527+LP615DAPi, Alexa488…Colibri
59HEBP 445/25 (HE)DFT 460+520 (HE)DBP 480/22 + LP530 (HE)Alexa488Colibri
50BP 640/30FT660BP 690/50Cy5, Alexa647HXP
49G 365FT 395BP 445/50DAPI, AMCAHXP
44BP 475/40FT500BP 530/50HXP
46HEBP 500/25 DMR 25FT 515 HEBP 535/30 DMR 25YFPHXP
47HEBP 436/25 DMR 25FT 455 HEBP 480/40 DMR 25CFPHXP

Widefield Epifluorescence Microscopy

IncuCyte Zoom, GenTSV-S2 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: IncuCyte Zoom® Live Cell Imaging
Illumination: LED
  • 4x/0.2 Plan Fluor Nikon (Phasenkontrast)
  • 10x/0.3 Plan Fluor Nikon (Phasenkontrast)
  • 20x/0.45 Plan Fluor Nikon (Phasenkontrast)
Filter: GFP,RFP
Others: In vivo microscopy, multi-well, incubator,IncuCyte Cell Migration Kit for Scratch and Wound- Assays

AxioObserver.Z1, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG BioPhysicalChemistry, Johannisallee 21

Instrument: Zeiss AxioObserver.Z1, Epifluorescence, inverted, motorized, transmission
Illumination: Colibri LED; @ 365, 470, 555, 625 nm
Camera: Axiocam MRm3, (1388x1040) Pxl
  • 5x EC-Plan Neofluar 0,16 (Ph1)
  • 10x EC-Plan Neofluar 0,25 (Ph1)
  • 20x EC-Plan Neofluar 0,5 (Ph2)
Filter: DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy5, DIC (Transmission)
  • Incubation system for life cell imaging for multi well- plates and O2 settings
  • Motorized stage, Z-stacks, time-lapse, mosaic scan, Definite Focus
  • use of the device from 9 am - 4 pm

Zeiss Axiophot 2e, upright, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: Zeiss Axiophot 2e, Axioplan, Upright/ Fluorescence / bright-field / phase contrast
Illumination: HXP 120C
  • 2,5x / 0,075 Plan Neofluar
  • 5x / 0,15 Plan Neofluar
  • 10x / 0,30 Plan Neofluar, phase contrast
  • 25x / 0,8 LCI Plan Neofluar Oil/W/Glyc, phase contrast
  • 40x / 1,3 Plan Neofluar Oil, phase contrast
  • 63x / 1,4 Plan Apochromat Oil
  • 63 / 1,25 Plan Neofluar Oil, phase contrast
Filter: bandpass/longpass filters to combine standard fluorescent dyes (DAPI, Cy2, Cy3, Cy5 etc.), see Apotom HXP filters
Others: imaging via Axiocam Hrc and Axiocam Hrm, standard fluorescent and bright-field microscopy including phase contrast microscopy

Calcium Imaging, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Neurogenetics, Talstr. 33

Instrument: Zeiss AxioExaminer, upright
Illumination: HXP and Colibri LED 385nm, 470nm, 555nm, 630nm
  • 10x
  • 20x
  • 63x

Axio Slide Scanner

Zeiss Axioscan 7, VMF Campus / Vet.-Patho.-Inst.

Instrument: Zeiss Axioscan 7 Slide Scanner for Brightfield
Camera: Axioscan 7 KMAT
  • Fluar 5x/0.25
  • Plan-Apochromat 10x/0,45
  • Plan-Apochromat 20x/0,8
  • Plan-Apochromat 40x/0,95 Korr
  • CAmera Axiocam 705 color
Workstation: Workstation Premium ZEISS 60A R2 (hp Z6):
  • Prozessor Intel Xeon Gold 6234 (hp Z6)
  • Graphic Card NVIDIA Quadro RTX4000 8GB
  • RAM memory 32GB (1x32) DDR4-2933 (hp Z6)
  • Hard disk 2TB SSD and 12TB RAID10
  • Monitor TFT 27" HP Z27n G2
  • LAN 2x10 GbE RJ45 (hp Z6)
  • ZEN slidescan
Slide Scanner for Brightfield:
  • Workstation Compact ZEISS 65 BC (hp Z2)
  • Graphic Card NVIDIA Quadro P400 2GB
  • RAM memory 16 GB (1x16) DDR4-2666 (hp Z2)
  • Hard disk 6TB SATA
  • Monitor TFT 27" HP Z27n G2
  • ZEN Modul Intellesis + Image Analysis
  • QuPath
  • HP ProLiant Microserver G5420 3,8 Ghz NAS Storage
  • RAID-Z1 4x8TB Enterprise HDD 24x7, 8GB Cache
  • 4x Gb Ethernet, ILO, SNMP 3, IPMI 2.0, SMASH CLP
  • ZEN Data Storage Server


Zeiss PALM Microbeam - Laser Microdissection, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building

Instrument: Zeiss Cell Observer Z.1, inverted, allows Laser based Microdissection
Illumination: Colibri.2 and HXP120
  • 5x/0,2 Fluar
  • 20x/0,4 Plan-Neofluar Oil, W, Gly
  • 40x/0,6 Plan-Neofluar W
  • 63x/0,75 Plan-Neofluar Oil
NameExcitationBeam splitterEmissionExample DyeLightsource
38HEBP470/40(HE)FT 495(HE)BP525/50Alexa488/FITC/GFPHXP
50BP 640/30FT660BP 690/50Cy5, Alexa647HXP
62HEBP 370/40 /HE)TFT 395+495+610TPB 425+527+LP615DAPi, Alexa488…Colibri (LED)

Atomic Force Microscopy

AFM JPK Nanowizard 3, inverted, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG BioPhysicalChemistry, Johannisallee 21

Instrument: JPK Nanowizard 3, CellHesion-Modul, inverted: AxioObserver.D1
Illumination: Monochromator Polychrom IV (400-700nm)
Camera: Monochrom-Cam (Hamamatsu ORCA ERG , 1344x1024)
Scan: xy: 100x100µm , z: 15µm (CellHesion: z: 100µm)
Untersuchungsmodi: Imaging:
  • QI (Quantitative Imaging)
  • Contact Mode with Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
  • AC Mode (Intermittend) with Q-Control
  • Phase detection
Force spectroscopy (air und liquids):
  • Statistical und dynamical spectroscopy
  • Force clamp + ramp
  • Force Mapping
Noise Level:
  • Ultra-low noise Level des Cantilever Deflection system (< 2 pm RMS)
  • Position noise level 0,2nm RMS in xy und 0,06nm RMS in z directio
Scan mode: 0,1Hz – 1kHz
Filter: u.a. 470 / 515 LP, 546 / 590 LP
  • heating (range: mind. 20 – 40°i C) Liquid chamber for cover glass and dishes (30-35mm)
  • Force spectroscopy with CellHesion-Module
  • Sound insulation box
  • use of the device from 9 am - 4 pm

Image Analysis

Lenovo Graphics Workstation, VMF Campus

  • 3D/4D-Visualization and Analysis: Imaris 9.9.1
  • Deconvolution: Huygens Professional 23.10
  • LSM-Data aus Leica SP8: LAS-X 1.1

HP Z4 Graphics Workstation, GenTSV-S1 Lab, SIKT Building

  • 3D/4D-Visualization and Analysis: Imaris 9.9.1
  • Deconvolution: Huygens Professional 23.10
  • LSM and other Fluorescence data: ZEN 2.6 (blue) and ZEN 2.3 (black) for FRAP, Airyscan and mosaic scan analysis etc. including module for ZEN deconvolution

HP Z6 Graphics Workstation, VMF Campus

  • ZEN Modul Intellesis + Image Analysis
  • QuPath

Histo: Cryostat / Microtom / Paraffin-Embedding

Cryostat, Leica 3050S, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building


Microtom Leica RM2255, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building


Embedding, Leica ASP 200 S, GenTSV-S1 Lab; AG Cell Biology SIKT Building


Embedding, Leica EG1160, GenTSV-S1 Lab, AG Cell Biology, SIKT Building
